Theater Pop 12 oz. Red Stainless Steel Countertop Popcorn Machine
If you are looking for the highest quality popcorn machine in the market, you will find it in the Theater Pop. Since the Theater Pop 12 oz. popcorn machine popper will operate on a 15 Amp circuit, it is ideal to use in schools or any environment that needs a mobile popcorn machine because it doesn’t require a dedicated circuit. This allows it to be used in multiple locations and still produce 221 servings per hour. This full-feature popcorn machine uses a gas spring assisted kettle for easy unloading, four-switch operation, kettle “ready” lights and a Hard-coat anodized aluminum kettle for superior performance and ease of cleaning. The heated warming deck will keep popcorn warm and fresh for long periods of time. One serving will produce enough popped popcorn to fill approximately twelve 1 oz. bags. Paragon’s American-made Theater Pop popcorn machines are unparalleled in quality and workmanship and are comparable to commercial popcorn machines you find at the movie theaters. One year manufacturer’s warranty.
by HomeDepotCustomer
Minimal assembly and easy to use.
This is a very nice popcorn machine. The only negative is the lid does not stay open when you are trying to put oil and kernels in popper. A quick fix was placing a magnet at the top where the lid opens. Other than that, it is a good popcorn machine!