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Rx 30 oz. Single Speed Black Blender with 1 Liter Pitcher


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SKU: F80112D2 Category: Tags: , ,

Elevate your health with the Nutribullet Rx, the world’s most powerful nutrient extractor! After years of research and development using the best engineers and top nutritionists, the Nutribullet Rx offers an amazing 95% nutrient extraction ratio so you get the most out of the foods you are eating. With 1700 watts of power, this product offers smart technology, a unique feature that can automatically create nutritiously cool drinks and soups/sauces for single or family sized servings. We also added a recipe book – Nature’s Prescription for Optimum Health – that offers over 150 pages of recipes and health transforming information to help maximize the benefits from the variety of natural foods for your specific needs.

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