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Bezzera Unica Espresso Machine


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The Bezzera Unica is a small single boiler PID espresso machine that can make quality espresso in just about any kitchen space.

SKU: CU44GUK4 Category:

The Bezzera Unica PID is a tank driven, semi automatic, single boiler, PID controlled espresso machine.

It is powered by a vibratory pump and uses the legendary lever activated, E61 brew group. PID control allows accurate temperatures at the group head and the ability to fine tune temperature to create the perfect extraction for the coffee you are brewing.

Bezzera is one of the only espresso machine manufacturers to not only assemble its own machines in house, but design many of their own components and assemble those too. So, rather than buying components externally and designing their machines around them, Bezzera thoughtfully designs each element, bringing them together into a beautiful whole.

Who is this machine for?

You are an espresso enthusiast that wants total control over brew temperatures for consistency and performance. You don’t drink a lot of milk drinks so paying for a dual boiler is unnecessary but you still want beautiful aesthetics and build quality from that class of machine.

  • 0.5 Litre Copper Boiler (SBDU)
  • PID Control
  • E61 Brew Thermosyphon Brewgroup
  • Commercial Style 3-way Solenoid Valve
  • Manometer Dial
  • Large Stainless Steel Drip Tray
  • Vibration pump
  • 3 Litre Water Tank
  • Stainless Steel Body
  • Made In Italy
  • 12 months RTB warranty

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